Seems Bad

As hysterical pro-abortion activists pointed out for years, abortion IS health care, and you can't have women's health care without it. Pregnancy became far more dangerous in Texas after the state banned abortion in 2021, ProPublica found in a first-of-its-ki…
Mr. Normand Douglas · 12 days ago · 2 minutes read

The Devastating Impact of Abortion Bans on Women's Health

A Chilling Rise in Pregnancy Complications

For years, advocates for abortion access have stressed a fundamental truth: abortion is healthcare. Denying this reality has dire consequences, tragically illustrated by the alarming rise in pregnancy-related complications in Texas following the state's 2021 abortion ban.

A groundbreaking data analysis by ProPublica reveals a stark increase in severe health risks for pregnant women. Specifically, the rate of sepsis, a life-threatening infection, has skyrocketed by over 50% among women hospitalized for pregnancy loss in their second trimester.

The Dangerous Illusion of "Compromise"

This heartbreaking data underscores the dangers of interfering with the doctor-patient relationship. So-called "centrist compromises" on abortion often propose restricting access while simultaneously claiming prosecutions won't occur. But as the situation in Texas demonstrates, such legislative maneuvering creates a chilling effect that ultimately jeopardizes women's well-being.

When the judgment of medical professionals and their patients is overridden by political mandates, tragic outcomes like these become inevitable. The data speaks for itself: restricting access to abortion doesn't eliminate it; it simply makes it more dangerous.

“Once you override the judgment of patient and doctor, this is what you get,” highlights the inherent flaw in these restrictive policies.
