If anyone in the future cares enough to write an authentic history of the 2024 presidential campaign, they might begin by noting that American politics exists downstream of American culture, which is a deep and broad river. Like any river, American culture fo…
Mr. Normand Douglas · about 2 months ago · 2 minutes read

The Rise and Fall of Obama's Manipulative Media Machine

The Role of Digital Technology in Reshaping American Politics

The rapid decline of traditional mass media in favor of social media platforms has empowered the government to influence public opinion and policymaking in unprecedented ways.

Obama's Digital Propaganda Factory

Under Barack Obama's presidency, the White House used digital platforms to create echo chambers of biased experts who undermined traditional journalism and swayed perceptions.

Controlling the Narrative

Obama's administration used the power of social media to orchestrate messaging that would evade journalistic scrutiny and shape public opinion in their favor.

Echo Chambers Demolished

Donald Trump's presidency brought a shift in the balance of power, as the control over digital platforms was no longer solely in the hands of Obama's administration.

Obama's Enduring Influence

Despite losing power, Obama continued to wield significant influence through the establishment of a new Democratic Party network that leveraged digital technology for political maneuvering.

The Erosion of the Democratic Establishment

The rise of Obama's digital apparatus weakened the traditional neoliberal machine led by the Clinton family and shifted the party's focus to new constituencies.

Social Media and Censorship

The control over digital platforms allowed the Obama administration and its allies to suppress opposing viewpoints and manipulate public discourse.

The Machine Strikes Back

Despite the erosion of its powerbase, the Obama media machine remains active and continues to fight for continued influence over American politics.

Expert Quotes

"The way in which the world is imagined determines at any particular moment what men will do." - Walter Lippmann

Additional Content

"The Obama Democratic Party (ODP) was a kind of balancing mechanism...balancing the power and money of Silicon Valley oligarchs and their New York bankers...with the interests of bureaucratic and professional elites."